The Green Party will remain fundamentally opposed to any badger cull.
AG02 The Green Party supports the hunting ban and will keep it in place.
We will support practical efforts and research into stopping the decline of bees, including banning neonicotinoids, improving planning guidelines to preserve/create bee habitats and making bees a priority species in biodiversity strategies.
AG04 The Green Party will phase out all forms of factory farming and support a transition to small free-range units, mixed rotational farming and extensive grazing.
The Green Party recognises the evidence that enriched cages (50cm2 of additional space for each hen) provide little or no improvement to hens' quality of life so enriched cages will be included in the ban on factory farming.
We will will seek to minimise live transport of animals including placing a maximum limit of 8 hours, and will work through the EU and locally to end all live exports for slaughter and fattening.
AG07 We will introduce mandatory CCTV in all slaughterhouses in order to uphold animal protection laws.
We will end the use of animals in circuses by bringing back the Wild Animals in Circuses Bill.
The Green Party recognises the contribution of livestock farming to climate change and will aim to reduce the amount of livestock farming through promoting lifestyle changes away from meat and promoting other greener and more efficient farming.
The Green Party will ensure that high quality, nutritionally balanced vegetarian and vegan menu options are widely available in all food establishments, ensuring that catering and nutrition for vegetarian and vegan diets is included in all catering certificates and that lessons in preparing nutritious vegetarian and vegan food are included in food technology courses.
The Green Party widely accept the use of genetically modified organisms but oppose patenting of them that leads to monopolies and exploitation of farmers to the detriment of the environment and society.
We will work to stop the overuse of antibiotics in intensive animal farming, with mandatory targets and surveillance of the human health impacts.
We will seek to reform the Common Agricultural Policy and our national agri-environment schemes to prioritise and support farmers who farm sustainably and enhance biodiversity on farmed land with a variety of farming styles, methods and scales. All farm payments should be designed to protect soil, reduce flood risk, conserve wildlife, improve water quality, increase recreation and assist carbon capture.
The Green Party will work to expand the National Wildlife Crime Unit to also deal with domestic animal abuse thus ensuring that specially trained policemen deal with such issues.
We will work with other model countries to create international ocean reserves and seek to expand the UK’s network of Marine Conservation Zones to enable the recovery of global fish stocks and to improve the sustainability of fishing.
We will correct the exclusion of cats from the Road Traffic Act 1988 such that drivers who run over cats must report it to the police.