CMS02 Under a Green government the primary public service broadcaster will remain the BBC (and S4C in Wales) funded wholly by public money from a tax which may be ring-fenced for public service broadcast use. The operation of this tax should not be regressive. The existing licence fee will be abolished and in the first instance replaced by a guaranteed inflation linked payment from general taxation.
We will tighten the rules on cross-media ownership and ensure that no individual or company owns more than 20% of a media market.
The Green Party will continue to support regional BBC sections such as BBC Wales and BBC Midlands.
The Green Party recognises the negative implications of uncontrolled advertising in the context of deregulated commercial freedom and unsustainable consumption. Advertising or sponsorship of tobacco and alcohol will be prohibited and advertising of environmentally damaging products and advertising aimed at children will be more stringently controlled.
CMS06 The Green Party encourages supporters ownership and democratic involvement in sports teams, and will continue to support the transition of football clubs to supporter ownership as launched by the Green Party in the Football Reform Act.
CMS07 The Green Party calls for sporting bodies to encourage investment towards grass-roots sport as a priority over top level sport and will continue to support a windfall tax to redistribute income from television rights to grass-roots levels of football as introduced by the Green Party in the Football Reform Act, providing facilities for local communities to get involved in sports.
CMS08 The Green Party will reform sports funding to be based on a public good rationale rather than on competitive success alone.
CMS09 The Green Party does not support sponsorship of sports teams by alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy food or 'pay-day loan' brands.
CMS10 We will continue to support safe standing in all football stadia as introduced by the Green Party in the Football Reform Act.
We will continue to support the current price cap on a minimum of 50% of tickets in matches in the highest leagues of English football as introduced by the Green Party in the Football Reform Act.
The Green Party shall seek to prevent our national teams from taking part in international sports competitions where freedom of access of supporters and media is compromised, where accusations of major abuses of human rights or the environment are made.
We will seek to ensure more and a greater variety of sports matches are broadcast on free-to-air television to reach wider audiences, with priority on national teams and sports involving gender, disability and other minorities.
The Green Party discourages developers from moving community assets, such as sports grounds, onto green-belts from central locations. This is often an attempt to give the impression of a public good to justify expansion of green belts whilst in reality it strips communities of their valuable social and cultural assets whilst enabling developers to profit from valuable land.
CMS15 We will reverse cuts made to arts funding and reinstate proper levels of funding for local authorities helping to keep local museums, theatres, libraries and art galleries open.
A Green Government will provide an 'excellence in the community' award - with funding for sports clubs that take an active roll in their community: in education, encouraging physical activity; providing support for elderly, disabled or vulnerable fans; and other public good activities.