GD01 The Green Party supports an Additional Members System for general elections ensuring no votes are wasted while keeping a local constituency link.

GD02 We will lower the voting age to 16 and make more provision for political education in schools.

GD03 The Green Party will reform local government in England with councillors elected using a Single Transferable Vote and significant powers devolved to local and regional tiers of government.

GD04 The Green Party supports the substantial devolution of powers from Whitehall to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the regions of England, decentralising the UK.

GD05 A Green Government will look to review the current constitutional legislation to create a codified constitution for the UK.

GD06 The Green Party supports the reform of the House of Lords into a partially elected chamber with a limit placed on the number of members in the House.

GD07 We will give local people the power to recall their MP.

GD08 We will introduce a cap on political spending in elections and fight to stop corporate lobbying and large political donations.
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