ID03 The Green Party's foremost foreign policy priority is to secure major international agreements on climate change, as global climate disaster can only be prevented through international co-operation.
The basis of such an agreement must be Contraction and Convergence (C&C).
- Allowing countries that currently emit very little carbon dioxide - primarily in the developing world where industrialisation is necessary - to increase their emissions, using their energy resources to reduce poverty and improve their people’s well-being.
- Requiring all other countries to reduce their emissions to a small per capita limit, fixed to be consistent with a global limit that keeps temperature rises below 2 degrees C.
- Aiming to converge to a global per capita total emissions by 2050 and reduce this multilaterally, with each country and each person having the same rights to use the atmosphere as the next and the entire planet doing their equal share.
The Green Party stands against reckless military intervention and will seek to focus on delivering humanitarian aid to those in war-torn areas.
A Green Government will scrap the Trident nuclear missile system and will strongly oppose future attempts to reintroduce nuclear weapons to our military capabilities.
ID07 Furthermore The Green Party will push for unilateral global disarmament of nuclear weapons through the use of international treaties.
ID08 The Green Party will continue to support the right of self-determination in other countries.
ID09 The Green Party will always seek to support the rights of indigenous people to control their own lands and resources.
ID10 The Green Party will continue to respect the result of the EU referendum and support membership of the European Union, but will also push for much needed democratic and structural reform.
ID11 The Green Party opposes the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and will seek to remove the UK from negotiations as soon as possible.
The Green Party will continue to accept asylum seekers escaping persecution.
The Green Party will fight for the writing-off of international debts for the poorest countries in the world and limiting repayments for low-income countries to redress global inequality and allow poorer countries to improve living standards.
We will help poorer countries fund climate change adaptation and build resilient communities through the UN Adaptation Fund, recognising the climate debt owed to these countries for the disproportionate environmental destruction of our past.