EC02 The Green Party promotes the emergence of an economic system which recognises the limits of, and is compatible with, both our finite planet and the aspirations of the whole of humanity.
We will end and reverse austerity and increase public spending to stimulate growth allowing the economy to recover and provide essential public services.
The Green Party does not believe in addressing the deficit at the expense of people who rely on public services and benefits, and will begin to pay down the deficit when the economy has recovered.
We will bring essential public services back into public ownership where the interests of the people can be put before profit.
EC06 We favour a shift in the economy towards cooperative and mutual economic enterprises, including mutual financial institutions like building societies and mutual insurers, and sporting clubs owned by their supporters.
EC07 We will create a fund for workers who wish to start a cooperative, or who wish to purchase a company, with minimal interest or barriers to entry, such that jobs can be maintained while increasing workplace democracy.
EC08 The Green Party recognises that GDP, in ignoring capital and environmental degradation, human needs, happiness and informal work, is a poor measure of the progress of a nation and would seek to judge success by other means such as an Adjusted National Product.
EC09 The Green Party supports a move away from free trade towards fairer trading methods with developing countries to ensure the local workers overseas are properly paid for their labour.
EC10 The Green Party supports the further re-regulation of the financial services sector in order to prevent further such financial incidents seen in 2008.
The Green Party supports the retention of shares from nationalised banks to turn them into investment banks which can loan to small businesses and families.
A Green Government would set up a National Investment Bank to work alongside the Green Investment Bank investing in public services.
EC13 A Green Government will aim to create a more self-sufficient country reducing the air miles of goods British consumers use and the number of products imported.
EC14 The Green Party will aim to start a small chain of VAT free, government owned shops, where basic food is sold at the lowest possible price.
EC15 The Green Party will put caps on how much Internet Service Providers can charge.
EC16 The Green Party would introduce a system whereby charities must declare, as part of their promotional material, the proportion of donations going towards 'charitable activities' to allow people to make more informed decisions about donations.