HO01 The Green Party will introduce huge investment in providing new, affordable and sustainable social housing.

HO02 We will end the mass sell off of council housing and repeal the Right to Buy provisions.

HO03 We will take action on empty homes to bring them back to use, utilising Empty Property Use Orders where necessary.

HO04 The Green Party will seek to protect all green belt land and green land otherwise undeveloped, aiming to reuse previously developed land that has fallen into disuse.

HO05 We will encourage housing co-operatives and the development of eco-villages.

HO06 We will continue to ensure that all new housing is built with solar panels or other relevent forms of renewable energy generation, and is built to the highest levels of energy efficiency and sustainability including continuing the Passivhaus requirement introduced by the Green Party in the Green Buildings Act.

HO07 We will continue the mass rollout of home insulation introduced by the Green Party in the Green Buildings act, providing home insulation to households in fuel poverty and mandating retrofitting of energy inefficient private sector housing to high standards.

HO08 We will reduce VAT on housing renovation, repair and insulation to 5% to encourage converting and renovating existing buildings to be used as homes where possible rather than constructing new dwellings which is currently tax-free.
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