TR02 The Green Party supports universally free local public transport, paid for by local or national taxation.
The Green Party will never support the further expansion of airport runways investing instead in the domestic rail network, allowing domestic flights to become surplus to requirements by 2030.
The Green Party supports the construction of High Speed 2 in a modified form to serve more communities and cities.
The Green Party supports the expansion of Light Rail Networks in cities as a low carbon alternative to buses and cars, in order to reduce the number of cars in towns and cities.
TR06 The Green Party supports the investment and research into the provision of hydrogen powered cars and buses.
TR07 A Green Government would legislate to enshrine EU engine and carbon requirements into national law.
TR08 A Green Government would invest in the provision of better cycling facilities in towns and cities including the better provision of cycle lanes and cyclist priority at traffic lights.
TR09 A Green Government will support the provision of London style cycle hire schemes across the cities of the UK, in coordination with an improvement in cycling facilities in cities where such schemes are rolled out.
TR10 The Green Party supports the increase in the age for the concessionary ticket for young people to eighteen as well as the lowering of the price of the young persons rail card allowing more students to use the rail network.
A Green government will provide free local transport for pensioners, people on or below the age of 18, and those above 18 but still in full-time education.
The Green Party will prioritise funding for public transport schemes over road investment and will only fund a road expansion program where it is not viable to expand public transport provision.
The Green Party supports the expansion of park and ride facilities across the country encouraging more people to commute into work and not use their cars for the full journey.
The Green Party supports the gradual electrification of all rail lines across the country aiming for an all AC electric network by 2050.
TR15 A Green Government would support funding measures to roll out the infrastructure needed to allow electric cars to operate across the country.
The Green Party supports the creation of Low Emmission Zones and Ultra Low Emmission Zones in towns and cities in order to ensure that air pollution levels do not exceed EU and National regulations.
TR17 The Green Party supports the introduction of congestion charging zones in cities in order to reduce air pollution levels and encourage people to use public transport as opposed to private cars to go into cities.
A Green Government will look to refurbish and refit any existing diesel trains with modern emissions control equipment and any additional diesel trains a Green Government purchases will have a joint diesel-electrical traction package to allow for conversion to electrical working later down the line.
The Green Party supports the use of solar panels on the roofs of stations to generate electricity for use on the network as seen at London Blackfriars.
The Green party support the development of new local rail services, inter-city rail lines and high speed lines, especially cross branch routes to reduce centralisation of the rail network on London (including a high speed northern cities link and an Oxford - Cambridge route.
The Green Party will establish more electric car charging stations to go along with the more electric cars on the road.
We will reregulate the bus systems regionally.
TR23 A Green government will ensure that at least 5% of transport spending is on securing a shift to more active travel like walking and cycling.