EQ01 All legislation on equality and diversity will include LGBT+ people so that, for instance, they are given explicit protection against harassment and discrimination. Opt-outs from equality and discrimination laws by religious organisations will not be allowed.

EQ02 Sexual orientation shall not affect the decision whether or not to employ, promote or discharge any individual. When assessing a person's work, their sexual orientation is of no consequence in their ability to undertake the work required.

EQ03 Sexual orientation of a parent, parents or any individual, shall in no way legally determine or reflect upon their ability and worth in caring for children.

EQ04 We will ensure legal parity for parents and those wishing to become parents regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Maternity services are to provide equality of service without discrimination or prejudice to lesbian and bisexual women, trans people and partners.

EQ05 We will seek to combat homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic violence by strengthening hate crime legislation and public education to tackle accepted norms of harassment and abuse of trans and non-binary people, especially of trans women.

EQ06 We will require every school to have an anti-bullying programme that explicitly combats homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying, and ensure every teacher is a qualified teacher, skilled up to provide an LGBTIQ-inclusive education and look after pupils’ wellbeing.

EQ07 Local authorities, housing associations, co-ops and building societies shall adopt a general statement prohibiting any distinction between heterosexuals, lesbians and gays, in publicity, housing advice, allocations, transfers and mortgage provisions.

EQ08 Attempts to enforce heterosexuality are as much a violation of human rights as racism and sexism, and must be challenged with equal determination.

EQ09 Young people have the right to be brought up to understand that they may experience homosexual or heterosexual feelings or both, and that either or both are to be welcomed as having potential to enrich their lives and those of the people around them.

EQ10 The Green Party would improve access to services for young transgender people seeking to transition. The NHS should better recognise the increasing need for Gender Identity Clinics and increase service provision across the country, and remove barriers to accessing services for trans people with thorough review of access to services for children and young people for those who have self prescribed or self funded gender treatment in the UK or abroad.

EQ11 The process of transitioning through the NHS should empower rather than demean trans people. Gender Identity Clinics should consult service users on how to better recognise trans people's own expertise and experience in service provision.

EQ12 The Green Party would push for root and branch efforts to address transphobia in society, initiating public education programs both in schools and wider society. Current anti-discrimination legislation should be reviewed so as to provide protection to all trans individuals. Current exemptions to anti-discrimination legislation should be scrapped.

EQ13 The Green Party would strive to support intersex advocates as they work toward ensuring that it is made unlawful for clinicians or medical practitioners to enact sex assignment interventions or treatments on infants and young children that can be deferred until such time as an individual is able to give their informed consent.

EQ14 The Green Party will press the Commonwealth to grant accredited status to a Commonwealth LGBT+ Association and to urge all member states to end the criminalisation of homosexuality and to protect LGBT+ citizens against discrimination and hate crime.

EQ15 The Green Party will ensure the use of the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court to prosecute regimes that commit atrocities against LGBT+ citizens.

EQ16 The human rights struggles of LGBT+ movements in oppressive states such as Jamaica, Iran, Uganda, Malawi, Iraq, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Russia will be supported, and the criminalisation of LGBT+ people will be strongly opposed. Visas for ‘murder music' singers and others who incite homophobic and transphobic violence will be refused.

EQ17 We call for an immediate moratorium on the deportation of LGBT+ refugees until the recommendations of John Vine, Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, and his report are properly acted upon.

EQ18 Parliament needs to be more diverse. At the moment, there is a severe lack of ethnic minority, disabled and non-male MPs in parliament. Our electoral system entrenches many white male candidates into safe seats, but introducing proportional representation would improve diversity.
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