CJ01 The Green Party will ensure that the rehabilitation of criminals is given more focus by the justice system than the punishment of criminals.

CJ02 The Green Party will remain opposed to capital punishment, and will oppose all bills/motions promoting or legalising the use of the inhumane, expensive, failed deterrent that is the death penalty.

CJ03 The Green Party supports community sentences over prison sentences for those convicted of lesser crimes, in order to keep ties with society strong.

CJ04 We will continue to maintain and expand on our successes with rational drug policy, by keeping databases and knowledge about drugs up to date, as well as promoting drug awareness, education, and rehabilitation from addiction. We have no intention of re-implementing drug prohibition in the UK.

CJ05 We will enhance the right to protest, such that the population takes a greater role in deciding the future of the country.

CJ06 We will push for more optional paid work opportunities in prisons, such than inmates can experience self-fulfilment in a controlled setting. This will allow them to save for the future, improving their life outlook and decreasing their chances of reoffending, through their own initiative.

CJ07 We will allow all prisoners to meet with their family or friends on a semi-regular basis, as well as expanding the prevalence of conjugal visits. This will help to maintain the individual’s ties to society, such that they are less likely to reoffend upon their release.

CJ08 We will re-evaluate the circumstances for arrest and detention times of terror suspects, such that the human rights of suspects are not being violated, while keeping the country safe from extremism.

CJ09 The Green Party will seek the appropriate criminal prosecution of climate criminals - the worst Government Ministers and key business leaders whose policies and activities have brought about mass loss of life through devastating climate change.

CJ10 The Green Party will legalise all forms of drawn pornography.
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