HE02 The Green Party supports the total reform of the NHS to de-marketise and re-prioritise the service. To achieve this we will remove the internal market created by the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act and strengthen existing MHoC legislation which restores the public NHS.
The Green Party will put caps on the profits that can be made from the health sector and private healthcare.
The Green Party will ban private corporations from making profit from the NHS.
The Green Party supports the integration of health and social care.
HE06 A Green Government will reform the social care costs system lowering the lifetime cap someone can pay for social care costs from £72,000 to £42,000 with a flat maintenance rate paid by families once they have reached the cap of £500 per year.
A Green Government will introduce a new professional role to the NHS to be available to care for all end-of-life patients, should they wish it, in the manner a midwife does for pregnant women. They will be trained to manage palliative medication, euthanasia and provide care and companionship in the final hours of a persons life.
A Green Government will give healthcare workers the time and training to take management roles in their hospitals and other healthcare settings. This will allow us to ensure that the NHS is run by people who understand the issues involved in day-to-day healthcare provision.
A Green Government will review the training of NHS staff with a view to allowing healthcare workers to progress within their careers through a mix of university modules and on the job training to make it easier for professionals to change role and gain vital experience.
A Green Government will require all doctors to take a national examination every 10 years to ensure that general medical knowledge is retained and kept upto date. There will be provision of training and repeat examination if a doctor fails this exam.
The Green Party would make medicine a graduate only degree, as is already the case in countries like the USA, to increase the range of life experiences in the medical profession and to the decrease the numbers who train and later leave the profession through a lack of understanding of its realities on application.
The Green Party believe that any product or service which claims medical benefits should be required to provide evidence of those claims and we would move to remove unproven remedies from the market.
The Green Party will change the funding of General Practice medicine and remove the system of incentives and targets that currently exists, instead allowing GPs to focus on understanding and meeting their patients individual needs.
The Green Party opposes the hasty move towards increased provision of routine services out of hours and instead calls for an evidence based approach to include pilot studies so we can be sure of maximising public health.
The Green Party will push for a change in the law that would require the publication of all data gathered in clinical trials.
A Green Government will offer research grants to answer important questions of medical science that are currently not investigated due to a lack of economic incentive, for example research into novel uses of off-patent drugs.
A Green Government will establish a network of research and development facilities, in more economically deprived areas, to search for curative therapies to currently neglected disease targets and manufacture them for the NHS and overseas use.
A Green Government will introduce a food levy to ensure that it is not cheaper to live on unhealthy foodstuffs than fresh and nutritious fare.
The Green Party will seek to ban the sale of high sugar products like fizzy drinks in schools.
A Green government will provide healthy and free school lunches to all pupils under 18 in full-time education and additionally a healthy and free breakfast to all pupils in infant and junior schools.
The Green Party opposes restriction of electronic cigarettes indoors and in public places, there is no evidence of harm to the public and great potential benefits over smoking of tobacco products.